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Sunday, September 30, 2012

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  • have tons of features are work ! T 's latest version:
  • Version 5.3.6:
  • - Re-wrote Ao Memory Manager from ground up
  • - Added a Task Manager (also comes a float task manager)
  • - Added a startup killer (kill s start boot)
  • - More presets minfree taker (Memory Manager)
»»/>»» »»Note:»»1. Remove version 5.3.3 previous version includ data first.»»2. Clear Data Luckypatcher, run LuckyPatcher custom patch will be saved /sdcard/LuckyPatcher/»»3. Install 5.3.6 don't run ROM toolbox pro, n use Lucky Patcher remove protection via custom patch»»4. Reboot Phone»»Thanks ChelpuS mak ROM Toolbox Pro's custom patch.»»Download Link:»»ROM Toolbox Pro v5.3.6.rar 7.9 MB»» »»

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»»UPDATED:September 30, 2012»»REQUIRES ANDROID:2.2 up»»**** Please uninstall free version t pro work properly ****»» Fabrik Reader? most beaiful, elegant cloud ebook reader works seamlessly Dropbox.»» might ask, already got at least 10 different book readers android world, why anor ? ll, here th, among those 10 different book readers, I just 't find really suits me, I decided build my own, here are »»Now, 's different ab Fabrik Reader? Let me ask a question first, really want much custom preferences an ebook reader? want an ebook reader just works beaifully of box? Fabrik Reader definitely not most feature rich book reader android. Fabrik Reader gives , a really premium, yet really simple read experience.»» Fabrik Reader, get:»»*** Complete synchronization of enre read experience Dropbox. means, books, ll read progress. use many devices read want, everyth will just keep sync aomatily.»»*** A beaiful interface will read experience really premium, easy eye.»»*** Tablet optimized two column landscape read model.»»*** Find covers book aomatily which book looks even better.»»*** Share read progress( a beaiful book cover).»»*** Customize font, t size, line spac, screen brightness, night model, etc.»»*** Support txt, epub, mobi mat ( more will come fure).»»Again, if want a beaiful book reader just works of box, keeps everyth sync, Fabrik Reader just way go. why not it a shot? I free any way »»Keywords: ebook reader, e reader, aldiko, moon reader, epub, txt, kindle, nook, fbreader, kobo, electronic books, ereader, cloud reader, dropbox, cloud sync, last page read sync, fabric reader, fabrikreader, fabricreader»»'s t version:»»1.0:»»1. me engine change bg/t color.»»2. Increase page animation permance.»»RELEASED BY Nihon-no-fanboi»» »»

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Free Download Ϫ Apk Ϫ Files ϪSketchBook Pro v2.2.2

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Free Download Ϫ Apk Ϫ Files ϪBetter Terminal Emulator Pro v4.04 (4.04) Android Apk App

Better Terminal Emulator Pro v4.04

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | IphoneAndroidz.blogspot.com: Android 1.6+

Overview: Harness native Linux comm-line potenal of Android t Terminal.


Unleash comm line potenal of Android console t terminal. Best if rooted, b root not required. Run native Linux s Better Terminal Emulator Pro. Excellent soft keyboard Sywpe support, send VT-220 character codes includ F1-F20. Includes SSH/Telnet client, BusyBox, BASH Shell.

Now supports Tegra2-based tablets such Viewsonic gTablet Motorola Xoom!

Works great Motorola Bluetooth Keyboard Xoom. I am work better Honeycomb support tablet m factor ll HDMI Xoom.

What’s t version:


* Fix crash some ner Android devices.

* Add support MIPS CPU.


* Sle launcher icon, configure BTEP start up lo shell SSH Client Preferences.

* Support mulple sessions.

* Fix bug SuperUser Whitelist.

* Fix shortc creation problem.

* Add FTP Client

T has no adversements

More Info:




Free Download Ϫ Apk Ϫ Files ϪVLC Beta (NEON version) v0.0.4 (0.0.4) Android Apk App

VLC Beta (NEON version) v0.0.4

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | IphoneAndroidz.blogspot.com: Android 2.1+

Overview: VLC a free open source cross-platm mulmedia player pla most mulmedia files ll discs, devices, network stream protocols.


T a BETA version of port Android™ platm. It intended por users hackers. T version NOT stable slor than final version.

It might kill kitten, destroy house start mayan apoypse.

Use it at own risk. Have Fun!



T version devices a CPU ARMv7 will support NEON. Or devices will be supported by lications, very soon.



VLC Android™ pla most lo video audio files, ll network streams, desktop version of VLC.

VLC Android has a media library audio video files, allows browse folders directly.

VLC has support mul-track audio subtitles. It supports ao-rotation, aspect-ratio adjustements gestures control volume.

It also includes a widget audio control, supports audio headsets control, covert art a complete audio media library.

Miss Features


As t an early BETA version, a of ths are not finished, b will change final release:

• The basic User Interface will change;

• Permance improvements are miss;

• Some audio issues might occur;

• Hardware decod works only a limited set of hardware;

• Or unknown issues.



• It needs hardware control, order change audio volume;

• It needs phone ls control, order pause music when someone l;

• It needs full Internet access open network streams;

• It needs be able read logs, dur beta version, underst issues;

• It needs get access SD card storage, order allow deleon of files.

What’s t version:

T fourth beta available of VLC Android.

The beta improves slightly UI, increases speed stability, adds Intel support, s a few features many fixes from previous betas.

It fixes many crashes issues (Nexus 7, ICS/JB, mp4, track selection) adds Opus support.

The UI now has a slid menu, an tory log, playback speed change rtone setup. Gestures brightness seek have added.

Finally, a of translations have added.

T has no adversements

More Info:




Free Download Ϫ Apk Ϫ Files ϪZDbox (All-In-One toolbox) v3.8.238 (3.8.238) Android Apk App

ZDbox (All-In-One toolbox) v3.8.238

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | IphoneAndroidz.blogspot.com: Android version 1.5 higher

Overview: ZDbox an amaz -- toolbox. Five stars xda um.


ZDbox will helps get more free internal phone storage space,more quikly phone runn speed, extend battery life ,protect individual privacy.improve sleep quality, more beaiful useful widgets.

ZDbox an amaz -- toolbox. Five stars xda um.

ZDbox an amaz free -- toolbox. It holds a collection of useful tools has a nice easy use interface. With ZDbox ’re getng mobile/cell phone under control, easily some optimization customize it needs. An essenal tool which will love!

★ Widgets: Keep screen alwa , kill tasks, WiFi /off, airplane mode /off, brightness adjustment, sound setngs, rotate screen /off, bluetooth /off, start/stop sync, switch beten 2G/3G/4G, lock /off, GPS /off, APN /off (mobile access point), flashlight /off

Battery: Monitor show lots of inmation ab remain battery , temperature, health, since last boot, necessary unl full charge

tap por saver :click battery sav bton turn Battery sav mode /off. Turn off Battery sav mode resume previous mobile status bee battery sav.

★ Traffic counter: Monthly/daily mobile data usage overview, shows remain data traffic, detailed data usage inmation each .

★ Do not disturb: Just set s when need privacy won’t be disturbed by phone. Set phone silent, vibration airplane mode.

★ App lock: Protect s a password pattern, exmaple contacts, Facebook, Twitter, Whats,Gmail

★ Task killer: Kill s at once, define protected s which won’t be killed, set ao kill when screen gets locked, mark sle mulple s kill

★ tory eraser:clean (Browser tory,market search tory,Google Map search tory,Gmail search tory,Clipboard)

★ Notification bar: One tap bar shows remain battery , runn s, how much data traffic left if lock active not. A tap se inmations starts ZDbox.

★ Uninstaller: Shows used/available internal SD card memory. Apps be easily uninstalled. Sle mulple (batch) uninstall possible.

★ App SD: Move s SD card. Sle mulple (batch) move possible. Only Android 2.2 2.3.

★Cache Cleaner:With Cache Cleaner clean cache of phone.protect secret with a trace.


1.”cache cleaner “may not work android 4.0,it’s because of bug of stem.


If U have any problem, please contact us at first: @zdworks.com

Prompt communication better than star comment!


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T has no adversements

More Info:




Free Download Ϫ Apk Ϫ Files ϪAlpha – Your voice assistant v1.9.3.3 ( Android Apk App

Alpha – Your voice assistant v1.9.3.3

Alpha research data facts exece commands – it knows want talks !

You talk Alpha ab ar, l contacts much more.

Say example “How ar to Cologne?” Alpha will show relevant ar data Cologne.

Simply ask Alpha anyth interests :

∙ How far it from Cologne Berlin?

∙ How many people live Germany?

∙ What Google?

∙ Who Angela Merkel?

∙ Show me a picture of Eiffel Tor.

∙ How will be ar Paris?

∙ How’s ar? (aomatic position detection)

∙ What capital of Turkey?

∙ Where am I? (aomatic position detection)

∙ What means hello Japanese?

∙ Calculate 3 times 8 minus root of tangent of 3.

∙ What 2 times pi?

∙ What my horoscope?

∙ Show me my endar.

∙ Do I have an ointment Fri?

∙ Events from next after tomorrow.

∙ Do I have ointments from Tues till Fri 14 o’clock?

∙ Write an SMS John Doe.

∙ Create a event.

∙ Remind me tomorrow at 5 o’clock meeng Peter.

∙ Who was lead actor of movie Avatar?

∙ Who directed Avatar?

∙ How long takes film Avatar?

∙ My name Peter. (oder den Einstellungen)

∙ My zodiac sign Aries. ( horoscopes)

∙ Call my wife.

∙ What RTL?

∙ Go Facebook.

∙ Search Wikipedia anmatter.

∙ Open TheTimes.co.uk.

∙ TV program tomorrow at even ZDF.

∙ Wake me up at 6 o’clock.

∙ When does FSV Mainz 05 vs FC Cologne play?

∙ How did Bayern München vs Borussia Dortmund played?

∙ Write an e-mail.

∙ Navigate London.

∙ Search restaurants near me.

∙ Are re cafés here?

∙ Navigate nearest doctor.

∙ Search a shop Hamburg.

∙ Switch light .

∙ Light off.

∙ Set timer 3 mines 10 seconds.

∙ Timer at 20 o’clock.

… much more!

Of course se are only examples – Alpha understands too, if speak colloquially. We use Intelligent Recognition Resampler™ method, which analyz speech several times help of a huge database – which grow every – provid best results.

That means: Up 60% better voice recognition!

And best of : Alpha improves daily, help!

Alpha didn’t underst someth correctly – someth does not work?

T normal. Alpha still under development it somemes lead discrepancies. Send us an e-mail, example via feedback menu item. We will help any case!

On Play Store, not ansr , untunately.

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | IphoneAndroidz.blogspot.com:

Speech recognition module, e.g. Google Voicesearch Vlo (both free Play Store)

The online TTS pored by iSpeech®.

What’s t version : (Updated : Sep 29, 2012)

criti bugfix

Com soon:

Music functionality Alpha English

Required Android O/S : 2.1+





Free Download Ϫ Apk Ϫ Files Ϫ1Tap Quick Bar 1.1.2 (1.1.2) Android Apk App

 1Tap Quick Bar 1.1.2

Current Version: 1.1.2

Requires Android: 2.0.1 up

Category: Personalization

V1.1.2 update:

V 1.1.2

- Added language pack: Arabic, Western Farsi, Portuguese.

- Added ability re-order quickbars.

- Various bug fixes.

Full change logs: http://rootuninstaller.com/1tap-quic…change-logs-2/

Required permission: http://rootuninstaller.com/1tap-quick-bar/permissions/

Website: http://rootuninstaller.com/1tap-quick-bar/

Facebook: http://goo.gl/pVfuF


1Tap Quick Bar best notification customization Android. It helps most common tasks a shorter , such change Wifi setngs, l wife, an event, launch an favorite just 1-click. It also offers a way create a beaiful notification bar.

** New version supports widget a ton of customization shortc. Long press home screen a **

How 1tap Quick Bar works?

You most of task into notification bar quickly kick it off 1tap. It supports over 60 built- tasks, includ

☆ Direct dial

☆ Direct message,

☆ 1-tap direct b page launcher,

☆ Application shortc

☆ Application launcher

☆ Direct email label

☆ New event, message

☆ Hidden stem activities

☆ 3rd tasks: ram booster

☆ Media control

☆ Etc,.

A quick bar earance be twisted many wa, such background, icon set, t color, status icon, etc,. it most beaiful notification bar.

How work 1tap Quick Bar?

A quick bar a special notification sta notification area. It composes up 6 actions fully customize its colors, t, background. Actions are categorized into 5 main groups:

☆ Setng: quickly toggle a setng launch useful setng shortc (upto 50 ).

☆ Application: launch chosen lication.

☆ Shortc: launch shortc supplied by lications

☆ Contact: a l, send a sms email chosen contact

☆ Misc: several built- commands, hidden activities

There are several special actions help discover hidden lications devices, such Application’s shortc, last l, battery info, etc,.

The design tab helps customize any part of a quick bar.

Free version supports quick bar. Upgrade Pro version enjoy more quick bar


☆ I don’t want icon status bar.

Every quick bar need an icon status bar due Android stem limit. Hover, change default status bar icon “transparent” (see design tab). Most of cases, it does want.

☆ Quick Bar closes aomatily when I click an item?

Prior Honeycomb, Android closes aomatily notification bars when clicked.

T will not hen ner version.

☆ Why some actions does not work

Since Android security model changed, some functions are limited, opened. Not function works any device. Manufacturer/custom ROMs more complexity t. We suggest try m bee permanently added into quick bar, especially, mobile data, GPS, music control. We are work hard support best solion .

☆ What “Last l” item?

T item only available “phone” which supports ls. It will dial latest number (go, incom missed l).

☆ Notification background not display right my Gerbread device?That’s a kernel bug, someme notification does not display correctly older Android version. Ner Android (ICS, Jelly bean) already fixed t issue.

☆ What Date/Day of Week/Month status icon?

Time status icon will display current date/ of ek/month status bar,

it aomatily update match .

☆ I don’t know t item wher Wifi toggle Wifi setng shortc

Some setng items use same icon resource,

set alwa show action label from design setng.

☆ I ’t uninstall t

If enable device admin, should disable it bee uninstall. To disable goto Home> Menu> Setngs> Security> Device Administrators, n uncheck 1tap Quick Bar> Deactivate, n back lication manager uninstall it.

kw: Notification Toggle, toggle setngs, customization, widgetsoid, quick launcher, tasker





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