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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Free Download Ϫ Apk Ϫ Files ϪEveryCircuit v1.15 APK

»»EveryCircuit v1.15 play.google.com.everycircuit»» jok aside, t will underst how electronic circuits work.»»Build any circuit, tap play bton, watch dynamic voltage, current, charge animations. T gives insight into circuit operation no equation does.»»While simulation runn, adjust circuit parameters analog ****, circuit responds actions real . even generate an arbitrary inp signal fer!»»'s interactivity innovation 't find best SPICE tools PC Mulsim, LTspice, OrCad PSpice (trademarks belong ir respective owners).»»EveryCircuit not just an eye candy. Under hood it packs custom-built simulation engine optimized interactive mobile use, serious numeri methods, realistic device models. short, Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's current voltage laws, nonlinear semiconductor device equations, good stuff re.»»Grow library of components gives freedom design any analog digital circuit from a simple voltage divider transistor-level masterpiece.»»Schematic editor features aomatic wire r, minimalistic user interface. No nonsense, less t, more productivity.»»Simplicity, innovation, por, combined mobility, EveryCircuit a must-have companion high school science phics students, electri engineer college students, breadboard printed circuit board (PCB) enthusiasts, ham radio hobbyists.»»Free version has limited sandbox area, b it still impress . If need a larger playground, a full version available. full version will employ of imagination, screen area of tablet.»»Thanks Prof. N. Maghari techni discussions, feedback, help design circuit examples.»»Features:»»Animations of voltage wavems current flows»»Animations of capacitor charges»»Analog control **** adjusts circuit parameters»»Aomatic wire r»»Oscilloscope»»Seamless DC transient simulation»»Sle play/pause bton controls simulation»»Sav load of circuit schematic»»Mobile simulation engine built from ground-up»»Shake phone kick-start oscillators»»Intuitive user interface»»No Ads»»Components:»»Sources, signal generators»»Resistors, capacitors, inductors, transmers»»Potenometer, lamp»»Switches, SPST, SPDT»»Diodes, Zener diodes, light emitng diodes (LED)»»MOS transistors (MOSFET)»»Bipolar junction transistors (BJT)»»Ideal operational amplifier (opamp)»»Digital logic gates, , , NOT, N, NOR, XOR, XNOR»»'s t version : (Updated : Oct 5, 2012)»»Undo / Redo»»Sav of oscilloscope **** state»»Extended range MOSFET threshold voltage»»Fixed rare crash startup»»User interface enhancements»»Required Android O/S : 1.6+»»Screenshots :»»»»Download: Link1»»Link2