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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Free Download Ϫ Apk Ϫ Files ϪElixir 2 2.25.2

»»»»Current Version: 2.25.2»»Requires Android: 2.1 up»»Category: Tools»»V2.25.2 update:»»- widget : wifi name, wifi link speed»»- Toggle change messages be disabled widgets»»- Flash toggle: turn screen off parameter»»- Runn lications widget: lications be stopped right re»»- Widget refresh rate parameter has a “default” option»»- List type parameter dialogs display selected option»»- Default launcher Task Manager of SG3 be launched from widgets»»- Profile actions be reordered»»- bugfixes»»Check: http://bartat.hu more»»Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | IphoneAndroidz.blogspot.com:»» want know everyth ab device? Try Elixir 2 its widgets!»»Elixir 2 a stem inmation lication highly configurable widgets.»»Features:»»- open stem screens from place»»- displa hardware inmation: battery, internal/external storage, cpu, memory, telephony, wifi, bluetooth, nfc, location, display, audio, airplane mode, camera, camcorder, inp devices, usb»»- displa software inmation: synchronization, accessibility, build, operat stem, setngs, configuration, clipboard, drm, environment variables, features, java, media effects, shared libraries»»- change setngs (brightness, screen time, …), actions (mount/unmount sd, clear cache, start bluetooth discovery, …), turn ths /off (apn, wifi, bluetooth, ao-brightness, rotation, …)»»- displa installed lications: code, data cache size, network traffic; launch, uninstall, clear cache, move sd, organize lications by labels, batch mode, enable/disable lications components»»- displa runn recent processes / services / tasks: pid, cpu usage, memory usage, total cpu, network traffic, view logs of a process, kill background processes, batch mode»»- displa p of top linux comm»»- shortcs widgets, lication labels Elixir screens»»- statusbar icon display memory/battery/cpu/internal storage via circle/bar/percent/elixir/transparent icons»»- handle profiles: turn toggles, change setngs, launch lications by click»»- displa sensor inmation, turn sensors /off, microphone»»- generat send reports»»- view online documentation from »»- displa logcat/dmesg logs, save/share logs»»Widgets:»»- mulple widget sizes, each be disabled»»- small widget icons, up 7*7 icons per screen.»»- open widget from shortcs, p notification area home screen.»»- widget permance screen»»- customize widget icons by icon packs»»- various widget backgrounds, custom color, custom background image, changeable transparency»»- different icon sizes»»- change label position/color/size, hide labels»»- backup/restore widget definitions»»- change image, label, refresh rate of widget »»Widget icon :»»- lication launcher»»- recent lication (dynamic)»»- contact»»- shortc: bookmark, contact, setng, …»»- battery»»- battery current»»- battery »»- battery temperature»»- internal storage»»- external storage»»- cpu usage»»- cpu frequency»»- cpu usage * frequency»»- memory»»- runn/recent lications/processes count»»- e-mail unread count (imap)»»- missed ls count»»- messages unread count»»- bookmarks, tory»»- »»- uptime»»- date»»- next alarm»»- mobile signal strength»»- mobile traffic»»- wifi signal strength»»- wifi traffic»»- wifi name»»- wifi link speed»»Widget toggles:»»- profile»»- mobile data»»- mobile network toggle (2G/3G/4G) – opens setngs»»- apn»»- apn selector»»- data roam»»- wimax (4g)»»- wifi»»- wifi ap (hotspot)»»- usb ter»»- bluetooth (2 3 state)»»- nfc – opens setngs»»- gps»»- airplane mode»»- ao-brightness»»- brightness ( set levels)»»- ao-rotate»»- lock»»- screen time ( set levels, keep screen )»»- screen off»»- screen filter»»- wallpaper»»- ao-sync»»- sync »»- background data»»- speakerphone»»- rer mode»»- vibrate»»- haptic feedback»»- rtone»»- sd mount»»- sd refresh»»- usb mass storage»»- flash (needs TeslaLED Flashlight)»»- volume»»- me»»- clear cache»»- reboot ( rooted devices, normal/recovery/bootloader/shdown)»»- usb debugg»»- stay awake ( wake lock)»»- refresh widget»»- loe»»Languages: english, magyar, русский, desch, ελληνικά, polski, française, español, český, 中國傳統文化»»ICS:»»- separate r notification volumes»»T a free, ad-supported lication. If donate ads will be removed features enabled.»» donate by buy Elixir 2 – Donation Key lication a donation from my b site from lication.»»play:»» »»

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